Led by the fearless and famous Bruno Bravado, the Agents of S.L.A.M. work for the president of the United States to protect the Earth from threats from both land and space! Their newest recruit is Katie Jones, a twelve-year-old wrestling vlogger who just might know more about wrestling than the wrestlers themselves. Just in time, too, because Katie's skills and knowledge may just save S.L.A.M. from their toughest rival yet...
Coming soon from Dave Scheidt and Scoot McMahon, the creators of kid-favorite Wrapped Up, Agents of S.L.A.M. has been drawing buzz from The Man herself, Becky Lynch (collective fan scream!!), who had this to say: "This brilliantly animated, wonderfully written comic is such a fun read! I loved it and highly recommend it."
Be cool like Becky, and read! (And print these bookmarks out to help with that!)